Danielle Toolan

Danielle started practicing yoga regularly at Prana Power Yoga in 2004 where she met her current business partner, Heidi MacVane. In 2007, she completed her first teacher training with Open Doors in Weymouth, MA....

Deep Stretch for Athletic Lifestyles


at South Portland Studio (740 Broadway South Portland, ME 04106)

In this 2 hour workshop we will target several areas of the upper and lower body that commonly feel tight from activity. Breathwork, massage balls and various props will be incorporated in our postures and movements to create ease for your body and tissues. This slower practice is mostly floor based concluding with an extended savasana. Expect to leave feeling more open and relaxed. 
Wear comfortable clothing for movement. This is an unheated practice. Bring water and your mat. Mat rentals are available for $1. Props will be provided.