Stephen Kirsch

I'm a yoga teacher and lover of kinesthetic expression living in Portland, Maine. I'm an RYT-200 hour certified teacher with 5+ years experience in teaching to all populations and abilities. People love my classe...

Yin yoga


at South Portland Studio (740 Broadway South Portland, ME 04106)

Yin Yoga is equal parts science and spirit. Using stillness and passive long holds in floor poses, Yin strengthens, lengthens, and hydrates the connective tissues throughout the body including the bones, fascia, and especially in our joints, areas critical to maintaining proper mobility and flexibility as we age. These classes often include meditation which, improves the health of your brain and immune system, reduces blood pressure, and brings more awareness and energy to enjoy life. Yin yoga works your body's "other half" making it a great complement to classes with moving flow. Add this class to your weekly schedule to transform body, mind and spirit. No experience necessary and props are provided.